Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is a flowering plant that contains psychoactive alkaloids with many benefits including alleviating pain, boosting concentration, lowering stress, enhancing empathy and self-esteem, and improving mood. Four of these alkaloids are mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembranol and tortuosamine and they are responsible for the mind-expanding effects some people experience with kanna use.
Kanna use has been used by indigenous hunter-gatherers of South Africa, also known as the San, for over a thousand years. It was a key part of their dietary and ceremonial practices. It was chewed, snuffed inhaled, or brewed as tea and the raw leaves were often fermented before being eaten to further break down the oxalic acid found in them and make the psychoactive alkaloids more bioavailable.
In studies, kanna has been shown to boost focus and performance, indicating potential in aiding individuals with ADHD, and it improves memory and cognitive flexibility. It is thought to be able to help lower anxiety and promote relaxation, but research is ongoing to understand how it can benefit more specific disorders such as PTSD, depression and anxiety symptoms.
Unlocking Serenity: A Comprehensive Guide to Kanna Use for Relaxation and Euphoria
While kanna is non-addictive and has been shown to be safe, it is not recommended for people who have a history of drug dependence or addiction. It can trigger drug-seeking behavior and should not be combined with MAO inhibitors, SSRI antidepressants or 5HTP as it limits the reuptake of serotonin which can cause dangerously high levels. It is also not recommended for pregnant women or those with a serious medical condition. It is best to start with a low dose and build up over time.