There are many film genres and subgenres that movie critics use to rank films. These are important as they allow viewers to discover new movies. Movie critics also rate artistic choices in the context of the genre elements. This helps viewers compare and contrast films from different perspectives.
A drama is a type of movie that focuses on conflict, emotion, and realism. It can be narrated over a long period of time and is generally about a character or group of characters who go through an engrossing experience. Usually the protagonist faces an antagonist and is forced to make a crucial decision. The plot may involve a large amount of buildup and tension, with many scenes involving crime and danger. Occasionally, the film will have a big reveal.
Dramas are often based on historical events, though the accuracy of the portrayal can vary. Examples of period dramas include Little Women and Sense and Sensibility. Romantic dramas include romance, separation, loss, and infidelity. They can also feature death and deathbed scenes.
Crime dramas are based on organized crime. The genre typically features police officers or criminals, though there are also films that feature the life of the mafia.
Prank films put real-life people or stunt actors in humorous situations. Comedy is about silly, funny characters and situations. The comical aspects of films can be about mannerisms and attitudes of the characters or situations that question social standards.
Action and adventure movies feature characters fighting or chasing others. These can be bad guys or good guys. In addition, the genre can take place in virtually any setting. Generally, the protagonist has to escape the antagonist’s reach. Some movies focus on capers instead of heists.
Romantic comedy is the light-hearted sister of romantic drama. Romantic drama is more in depth than melodrama. Romantic comedy can feature death, love, and separation.
Slapstick comedy has roots in vaudeville and stage performances. Buster Keaton and Ace Ventura are closely associated with this style of comedy. Today, a wide variety of filmmakers use this form of comedy. Many films, including Home Alone, feature this style.
Mystery thrillers are about an unusual event, often a murder. These are also about a character’s journey to solve the mystery. Heist films are popular because of the tense plot development.
Horror movies are about terror, including the unknown and the hidden. This can include haunted houses and unnatural death. Body horror is another subgenre. Other subgenres include Day Of The Dead, folk horror, and hidden terror. Animated films are also popular. Animation films can be created using traditional techniques or by using computer-generated images. Most newly released animation films feature computer-generated images.
Sci-fi films are about space or outer space, science, or the future. Most contemporary sci-fi includes a lot of high-tech, such as virtual reality and cyborgs. Science fiction often explores concepts that are non-scientific, such as alien life and time travel.
Neo-Noir is a modern movie genre that brings subversive sidekick characters. Films such as The Da Vinci Code and The Girl on the Train are examples of this.https://www.youtube.com/embed/aS7EHDwIzPc