A NYC traffic lawyer can help you fight and beat a traffic ticket to minimize the impact on your record, insurance, and finances. They are experts at negotiating with prosecutors to remove points, reduce fines, and even avoid license suspension. They can also provide peace of mind by handling all of the legal aspects of your case so you don’t have to worry about it.
Most people think that it is cheaper to just pay the traffic fine and never think about their ticket again. But that is a big mistake. Traffic violations cost you time, money and they may increase your insurance premium. In addition, a conviction may cause you to lose your job if you are employed as a driver.
The Role of a NYC Traffic Lawyer in Reducing Fines
In New York, all traffic tickets are adjudicated in the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). TVB has hearing centers where they conduct administrative hearings to determine whether you are guilty of a traffic violation or not. In contrast to local courts, TVB does not allow plea bargaining and the burden of proof is higher than in other court systems.
Hiring a traffic attorney can significantly improve your chances of winning. They can review your case and find grounds to get your traffic ticket dismissed such as lack of probable cause, improper radar calibration, speedometer errors, etc. They can also save you a lot of time by jumping to the head of the line during your hearing so you don’t have to wait around all day.